Nibble News

Gorgeous foursome of bunnies in need of a home.

(July 24, 2012)

This two year old foursome joined us along with seven of their family members. They are a great example of how important it is for rabbits to be correctly sexed and neutered to avoid unwanted litters!

They are medium sized friendly lionhead crosses in good health.

Gus and Tiggy are the parents of Ezra and Tansy. Gus is male and the other bunnies are all female (all neutered). It is very rare that we re-home rabbits in groups as the dynamics of group bonding can be complicated. However, we are very reluctant to split this family up as they have lived very happily together now for two years. They have a special bond and are looking for a loving home together.

This group of rabbits will make wonderful fun pets for someone with the space, time and funds to meet their needs...... could this be you?

Ezra Tiggy Tansy gus 2

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