Nibble News

Rabbit Awareness Week 2018 theme announced 'Move away from muesli!'

(March 18, 2018)

RAW 2018

A message from the organisers:

This year's Rabbit Awareness Week theme will be 'Move Away From Muesli' and will highlight the importance of feeding rabbits a healthy diet of good-quality feeding hay and a small portion of nuggets rather than muesli.

Research has shown that muesli-based diets encourage selective feeding, where rabbits eat some components of the muesli diet while rejecting the more fibrous pellets. Selective feeding in this way increases the risk of:

• Dental Disease
• Obesity
• Digestive Problems

Despite this, according to the PDSA PAW Report 2017, 25% of rabbit owners in the UK still feed their rabbits muesli. The RAW partners have published a letter encouraging owners to 'Move Away From Muesli', which you can sign to show that you support the pledge:

We hope that with your support, we can reach those rabbits still fed on muesli based diets, and improve the lives of our furry friends. RAW 2018 takes place between 2nd - 10th June.

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